Lego Serious Play

Lego Serious Play

Lego Serious Play

Create, discuss and decide with LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®

“LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY®” is a facilitated meeting, communication and problem-solving method.

It is:

  • A catalyst to form and formulate your opinion
  • A method that connects and makes all voices heard
  • A tool that facilitates & strengthens creative solutions.

We will throw a few kilos of LEGO® blocks on a table, get started & have FUN!

Depending on the purpose of the workshop, the facilitator will gradually introduce the building tasks. Each individual makes his/her LEGO® construction in response, which they discuss together and possibly also aggregate.

Our experts

Here are our experts that know all about the Lego Serious Play, do not hesitate to ask them any of your questions!

Lucia Soetens

Managing Partner

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Business Markers Cvba
Naastveldstraat 156, 9160 Lokeren, Belgium
VAT BE 0670.618.804 – IBAN: BE91 6451 0265 9276

Business Markers GmbH & Co. KG
Am Nordpark 3, 41069 Mönchengladbach