Corporate Branding

Corporate Branding

Corporate Branding

Stakeholders -consumers, employees, trade partners…- can not make a distinction between different type of perceptions of one organization: your employer brand (your culture and behaviors), your corporate brand as organization and your product/ service brand(s), they are part of one overall story.  HR and marketing need to work together to identify this essence, and translate it into action plans which reinforce each otter. Ot easy, though crucial.
One purpose, promise, positioning, passport or whatever you call it… every organization needs it. It gives you directions and enables choices. It is your identity card. Yet, many organizations lack this. Companies are proven more successful when they work from what makes them unique: their identity, or brand. Both towards (potential) employees and (potential) customers. This is leading for strategy, for culture, for product/ service development, for process improvements…
Business Markers helps organizations search, analyse, formulate, explain that one positioning and translate it into action plans. Deliverable are: one single passport of the organization including roots, purpose, promise, values, differentiators, reasons to believe … up to the employer value proposition. These can be translated into marketing funnel, recruitment funnel and ambassador programs for your organization.

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Business Markers Cvba
Naastveldstraat 156, 9160 Lokeren, Belgium
VAT BE 0670.618.804 – IBAN: BE91 6451 0265 9276

Business Markers GmbH & Co. KG
Am Nordpark 3, 41069 Mönchengladbach