Merger & Acquisition Highway

Merger & Acquisition Highway

Merger & Acquisition Highway

M&A can speed up your growth and scale. New orientation is provided, impulses are given from the outside, portfolios completed. M&A ensures that you drive your own transformation. Nevertheless, the majority of M&A's fail. This is mainly driven by failures in target selection or incomplete post-merger plans. This model helps you in understanding the pre-work, crucial pre-transactions and post closing phases. This guarantees a successful M&A, creating value.

Our experts

Here are our experts that know all about the Merger & Acquisition Highway, do not hesitate to ask them any of your questions!

Christophe Sintubin

Co-founder & Managing Partner

Frithjof Struye

Managing Partner

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Business Markers

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Tel: +32 2 808 83 95


Tel:+49 2161 56 33 864

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Business Markers Cvba
Naastveldstraat 156, 9160 Lokeren, Belgium
VAT BE 0670.618.804 – IBAN: BE91 6451 0265 9276

Business Markers GmbH & Co. KG
Am Nordpark 3, 41069 Mönchengladbach