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Strategy into action: Practice or preach
Practice or preach? Waarom blijven strategische plannen vaag? Waarom zijn ze elk jaar hetzelfde en beseft men keer op keer dat het vorige plan niet is uitgevoerd? Ondervind jij problemen bij het succesvol realiseren van je strategisch plan, binnen de opgelegde tijd en budget? Zijn er teams binnen je onderneming die niet afgestemd zijn op de algemene strategie?
De webinar "Strategy in Action" zorgt ervoor dat je je doelstelling wel bereikt. De "doel-door-doen" aanpak verplicht je om keuzes te maken die je toelaten het juiste doel en strategie voor jouw onderneming te formuleren, te valideren en agile te implementeren.
Een strategisch plan, overzichtelijk, op 1 A-4 en in mensentaal. Zo weet de hele organisatie en elk individu waar je naartoe gaat en welke acties elkeen moet ondernemen om dit overkoepelend doel te realiseren. Het brengt dagelijkse focus, veerkracht en het meet je effectieve vooruitgang naar je ultieme droom. Onze Formula One Track® laat je toe om je strategie te formuleren, valideren, communiceren, implementeren, de vooruitgang te evalueren en de strategie aan te passen aan veranderende omstandigheden.
Practice or preach? Why do strategic plans remain vague? Why are they the same every year and do people realize that the previous plan has not been implemented? Do you struggle to see strategies executed successfully, on time and on budget? Are teams properly aligned with your overall strategy?
This webinar "Strategy in Action" ensures that you achieve your goal. With a "what-by-how" approach, it forces you to make choices to formulate, validate and implement the right goal and strategy. Strategy In Action (SIA) helps you and your team to co-create and deliver your strategy.
A strategic plan clearly laid out on 1 page in human language. This way, the entire organization and each individual knows where you are going and what action everyone needs to take. It brings daily focus, agility and measures your effective progress towards your ultimate dream. Our Formula One Track® allows you to formulate, validate, communicate, implement and monitor the progress of your strategy and to pivot when circumstances change.
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Today Bram guides entrepreneurs and managers in the international development of their business. Together with the client, he determines a realistic export strategy, searches and selects the most promising markets and partners, develops an ambitious export action plan and ensures its effective execution. He uses a healthy mix of strategic thinking, theoretical models that proved their worth in practice and hands-on exercises based on his global experience in B2B and B2C environments in a variety of sectors.
Today Ides guides SME's and multinationals in brand positioning, change management and foremost shaping strategy and innovation in a practical and hands-on way. By using a mix of strategy, conceptual thinking and practical tools, he focusses on growth and results. Besides these day to day activities, Ides is often asked as a speaker, guest lecturer at varias colleges, consultant at Vlerick and member of diverse advisory boards.