Beyond Basics: Unleashing the Full Potential of SWOT

Beyond Basics: Unleashing the Full Potential of SWOT

Beyond Basics: Unleashing the Full Potential of SWOT

SWOT Booklet

Odds are high that as a manager, director or entrepreneur, you have used or been advised to do a SWOT-analysis at the beginning of a strategic exercise.

From our experience, we know that 80-90% of the people do NOT use SWOT in a proper way. The original theory is forgotten due its simplicity. The outcome of SWOT-exercises are too vague. The result is not inspiring to build a plan. It’s sometimes more a must do exercise than real added value.

Whether you run a start-up, an established line of business, or a brand portfolio, you’ll get the most out of a SWOT analysis if you go in with a particular business objective in mind.

This booklet can help you in really analyzing your topic. This is based on years of practical experience: what works, what doesn’t work.

Our most important recommendation is to move from SWOT to POWER- SWOT. This will make your analysis more precise and workable.

Interested to learn more about this?

Enjoy the reading.

Our experts

Here are our experts that know all about the Beyond Basics: Unleashing the Full Potential of SWOT, do not hesitate to ask them any of your questions!

Bob De Rydt


Christophe Sintubin

Co-founder & Managing Partner

Frithjof Struye

Managing Partner

Gerdy De Clercq


Ides Ticket

Co-founder & Managing Partner

Roderich Körner


Valerie Busquin


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