Customer Experience Solution Track

Customer Experience Solution Track

Customer Experience Solution Track

Customer Experience – how customers perceive the interactions with your company and brand – has become a key battleground to win with increasingly demanding customers.

To offer your customers a top class experience, CX has to be managed proactively.

Despite what is still often thought throughout organizations, CX management isn’t the job of the marketing and/or commercial team alone. It is about implementing an approach and mindset throughout your entire organization, based on a solid plan and approach.

To help you get there, this CX solution track offers you a structured approach in 6 steps on how to practically evolve to a true customer centric organization.

It all starts with an initial audit on your organization’s performance today: where do you stand in terms of CX maturity and what priority action plan should be put in place.

You can also try our Customer Experience Maturity Self-Evaluation below. Based on your answers, you will receive a report with the results of the audit, together with some recommendations.

Our experts

Here are our experts that know all about the Customer Experience Solution Track, do not hesitate to ask them any of your questions!

Bob De Rydt


Christophe Sintubin

Co-founder & Managing Partner

Valerie Busquin


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Business Markers

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Business Markers Cvba
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VAT BE 0670.618.804 – IBAN: BE91 6451 0265 9276

Business Markers GmbH & Co. KG
Am Nordpark 3, 41069 Mönchengladbach