Insights Discovery

Insights Discovery

Insights Discovery

Increase Personal & Team Effectiveness using 4 personality colors

We all look at the world and events in our own way. We also all have preferences in how we communicate and interact.

To gain more insight into ourselves, our own preferences and those of others, we work with 4 personality colors. This method is based on the work of Swiss psychoanalyst Carl Jung.

The Insights wheel distinguishes 4 groups or colors:

  • Fiery red
  • Sunshine yellow
  • Earth green
  • Cool blue

Every person has a portion of all 4 colors, but in a different order and quantity. It is the combination of these energies which creates each unique personality.

Our color energies refer to a set of characteristics that explain how you prefer to respond, think and act.

The overall objective of an Insights Discovery workshop is to increase the effectiveness of the team members:

  • Each participant will gain more insight into the different possible preferences in communication and interaction and get to know themselves better.
  • By recognizing the differences in the others, they will understand each other better, and more easily consider each other's sensitivities.
  • We also learn to "tune in to the other" in order to strengthen cooperation, communicate with more impact and build trust.
  • By applying "Insights" permanently in daily situations, it will continue to be a very useful tool in the long run that will make communication more effective & bring you results faster.

Business Markers is Insights Discovery® certified and can organize an Insights Discovery workshop for you and your team.

Our experts

Here are our experts that know all about the Insights Discovery, do not hesitate to ask them any of your questions!

Lucia Soetens

Managing Partner

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