G-R-O-S funnel

G-R-O-S funnel

The GROS funnel is an easy way to visualize and manage the critical decisions and progress of projects (innovations, activations, campaigns, ...). A project is divided into distinct phases separated by decision points. Each phase has its clear input and desired output. For every type of business, the necessary phases might be (slightly) different. At the end of each phase, continuation is decided by a manager, steering committee or governance board. He/ she has only 4 possible answers: Go, Recycle, On Hold or Stop. Some projects with immediate impact & requiring minimum resources can take the light or express shortcut.

Our experts

Here are our experts that know all about the G-R-O-S funnel, do not hesitate to ask them any of your questions!

Bob De Rydt


Christophe Sintubin

Co-founder & Managing Partner

Frithjof Struye

Managing Partner

Gerdy De Clercq


Ides Ticket

Co-founder & Managing Partner

Leonoor Moerman

Associate Partner

Roderich Körner


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Am Nordpark 3, 41069 Mönchengladbach