OGSM Transformation Mapping

OGSM Transformation Mapping

OGSM Transformation Mapping

Transformation Map is a one page visual depiction of the transformation plan for implementing a strategy. It describes the major milestones required to achieve each strategic ambition. It is a tool to build alignment with leadership teams and facilitate decision taking in strategy workshops. Transformation Maps are best created with a group: the process of developing
the OGSM Transformation Map with the appropriate stakeholders is as important as the map itself. The Transfomation Map guides team’s future projects, actions and priorities.

Our experts

Here are our experts that know all about the OGSM Transformation Mapping, do not hesitate to ask them any of your questions!

Bart Bols

Managing Partner

Bob De Rydt


Bram Vaerewyck


Christophe Sintubin

Co-founder & Managing Partner

Frithjof Struye

Managing Partner

Gerdy De Clercq


Ides Ticket

Co-founder & Managing Partner

Jille Tabak

Managing Partner

Leonoor Moerman

Associate Partner

Lucia Soetens

Managing Partner

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