Organizational Design

Organizational Design

Organizational Design

This poster should help you reflect on 1 of the 3 key levers of performance: Organizational Design (OD). Strategy and Leadership are the 2 other key levers. OD is the allocation of resources and power in the organization to influence decision making and executional excellence. Good OD enables effective business decisions making with a high degree of consistency. OD is based on clear OD-principles. OD-principles describe the organizational capabilities you need to achieve your strategy or to do better than competition. They are used to shape the organizational structure and operational design (eg.: locations, people and management processes, reward/ incentive structures, ...).

Our experts

Here are our experts that know all about the Organizational Design, do not hesitate to ask them any of your questions!

Bob De Rydt


Christophe Sintubin

Co-founder & Managing Partner

Gerdy De Clercq


Ides Ticket

Co-founder & Managing Partner

Jille Tabak

Managing Partner

Lucia Soetens

Managing Partner

Roderich Körner


Valerie Busquin


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